Quick update. Just finished Ceu Kingshill Praise Dance Class. Excellent! We hope to have a class with her in Laban in the future. Laban from a Christian point of view. Should be interesting. Working on the annual Easter play for Resurrection Sunday at Primitive Christian Church. My husband has written another great script and I am one of the contributing writers. Between the Christmas play and the Women's History Day dramatic piece I guess I am now doing more writing. Reminds me of my high school years when I tried to catch up with my best friend Judy. She wrote with out reservation constantly. I really respect people who can do that. My base is the Bible and all the life-lessons that I have experienced. There is so much material there. I am ruminating on what to teach this summer for our intensives at church and maybe I can do some at the Casa do Brasil site that Ceu has introduced us to. I hope to go up to New England and get involved in a gospel dance concert. And as always, prepare for the Women's retreat dance piece that seems to get longer every year. Let's see if we can keep it under 20 minutes from beginning to end. No we don't dance for 20 minutes straight but it is usually dance theater with text, background music, props...etc. I have a tap dance residency and the children are learning at a rapid rate. Did I pick up that quickly in 3rd grade???
Looking forward to what God has for me...Well for now...it is the play, the play , the play!!!