An organization of Cultural Arts and Development.
"A time to Dance...A Time to Speak"

Sunday, August 30, 2009

This Day

I am grateful for this day. I never would have made it without the Lord. When I look back on the last 2 years of my life and how God pulled me through when I was feeling stretched beyond my ability to go on. .. I know it was God. Like the song says "I'm stronger, I'm wiser, I'm better, much better" Four years ago when I prayed for my sick brother, I thought my insides were being stretched like rubber band to its farthest point. I had never felt my insides do that before and it was really my faith growing. I have had to stretch like that many times in the past 4 years.

I am encouraged this day by my former students who have written back in reply to my questions to them. I think of them as "my dancing daughters." How wonderful to hear how God has used what He has deposited in me to bless them so they could bless someone else and build God's Kingdom. And how wonderful to know specifically how to pray for them.

I feel really inspired today. I just got home from the movie "Julie & Julia" and saw the life of 2 women driven to cook their food with excellence, meet deadlines, and find purpose in their life. I want to fulfull God's purpose for me life even when it is not easy, is demanding, exhausting, and sometimes seems disappointing.

I am empowered today to cultivate a better marriage. It can't all be about ministry. Right. This minister has a husband and I thank God for the precious gift God has given me in this man. I thank God for the marriage ministry gathering at the Pope's household and being invited to be a part of that even though it is not our church. Good word, good food, good salsa (food and dance lesson). A precious night of sharing we won't ever forget.

I am who God is shaping and molding me to be. I am in transformation this day...a better wife, daughter, liturgical dancer, mentor, minister, and child of the King.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


The Bible is often referred to as The Word. Seasons of Purpose was given the challenge of interpreting Isaiah 55:10-11 through movement. Martin & I came together and created something for Melodie Thompson's annual Gospel Dance Concert in Providence RI. In addition we choreographed to "Speak Lord" and "One Word" from Kurt Carr's One Church CD. When we ministered this at our home church (Primitive Christian Church), we dropped the "Speak Lord" section. I am forever changed, transformed, challenged, comforted, strengthened, empowered and built up by God's Word. It is a privilege to bring this powerful message to people through movement. People all over the world from every culture and belief have been touched by the truth found in the Bible. Even people who don't follow the Bible for spiritual reasons have used its princples and have found success. God does watch over His word to perform it.

Sistah friends...a.k.a everybody needs a posse

I love the month of August because I get the chance to celebrate my birthday for about 2 weeks long. I think it is because most people forget the real date so I get phone calls, cards, sweet treats for a number of days...not bad? I want to praise God for the sistah friends (Jacqueline, Patricia, and Rachael) in my life. This is the group I call my posse. They maybe your peeps/crew/entourage/bff's....whatever you call them...but it really helps to have some. These are the folks you call after you've called on the Lord, consult with your husband (if you are married), and you need some girl talk. There are some conversations that only another sistah can help. YOU know that's right. I am sorry that Rachael is missing from this picture but you will find her in an earlier blog post. These are the sistahs who stood with my when I got married and have prayed me through when I thought I had lost hope. I thank God for them. They are some of the most creative sistahs on the planet and constantly feed me ideas when and even when I am not out of ideas, because their ideas are plen-ti-ful. Dance for Joy Ministries enabled me to meet some really great people, and a wonderful master teacher Iris Cloud. I don't think she will ever know how many lives she has touched and people she has brought together by the sheer act of being obedient in using her gifts.

Cousin Melodie

A Birthday celebration is in order for my cousin Melodie. She hits a big one today and we want to bless God for her!! I was so glad to marry into this family because I not only got a great husband but a great family as well. Cousin Melodie is a great mother, wife, dancer, choreographer, and dance ministry leader. She truly inspires me with her annual Gospel Dance Concerts. New England is truly blessed by her passion to bring dance to her area. We look forward to watch God fulfill the destiny He has for her as she walks in obedience.