An organization of Cultural Arts and Development.
"A time to Dance...A Time to Speak"

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Weapons of Our Warfare

Had a wonderful time today at The Weapons of Our Warfare Dance Workshop at Christ Temple Ministries, 498 Watchung Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ 7003. I salute Dance Coordinator, Ruel McDalton for putting together such a wonderful event. As others were getting ready to celebrate Halloween, I was getting excited to be equipped to fight against the kingdom of darkness.
I arrived at 7AM in my green camouflage fatigues to walk around Brookdale Park, the weather this morning took us inside. As I made walking laps around the church building I became more and more resolved to draw nearer to the Presence of think of others before not enter into the competition...and that I would decrease and God would increase. As I sat in God's Presence in the sanctuary the Lord reminded me to be in my position. Then I realized that was the most important thing I could do at that workshop: to obey, listen to God and be in my position. I was to be responsible where God told me to be and not try to be in someone else position. With that in mind I was able to keep God in focus and serve from a place of obedience to my Lord.
That was a great word straight from God since we would spend the day learning strategy on how to fight the good fight. We were split into 12 troops (12 tribes) and heard our instruction in accordance to our group. I was put in Troop Levi. Many thanks to Martin Smargiassi for his prayer of impartation as we all anticipated a double portion of the anointing of the Spirit of God. Many thanks to Rev. Yvonne Smith-Larkin for her real talk about dance ministry and teaching us about prophetic dance and intercession. A time well spent.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer October 2009

Today I had the opportunity to once again join hundreds of people as they walked to raise money and show their support for the fight against breast cancer. For many years Theresa Holmes (pictured here) walked with her company. She then began to walk with Dance for Joy Ministries. As our annual Team Captain, she has really gotten this thing down to a science...where we meet, the team tee shirt...what we do along the route, etc. I applaud her for her effort to make this work every year. It is always fun to walk with this team and catch up with the alumni and talk with the current students.

So it was a successful walk(despite the rain and cold) although I arrived later to church than expected because mother nature was giving me a little call and I don't mean the rain. So I had to make a pit stop before making my way downtown. I got a chance to spend a few moments with Founder/Artistic Director Iris Cloud, of Dance for Joy Ministries during the beginning of the walk. Her dedication to fighting this disease that tried to get her, and her passion to teach others to dance before the Lord with excellence has been a constant inspiration to me. So once again, October 18, 2009 I walked for Iris, my mother, my grandmother, and my great aunt. I walk for the survivors that have inspired me at Primitive Christian Church. I walk, because I know that together, we can help someone celebrate another birthday.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fill in the G.A.P. Dance Conference

I wanted to experience a National Liturgical Dance Network Gospel Aerobics Praise event myself so I went to Cathedral International today in Perth Amboy, NJ. Much to my surprise, it wasn't just a few hours of aerobic movement, but was an entire conference!!!! I had no idea. I missed the workshops, and the teachings but the little teaching moment at the end about the "gates" of our nations, communities, and our own temple was worth the whole day. Are you being decisive about what comes and goes through your gates? And if you couldn't get it in word only through Dr. Pamela Hardy, you learned it through movement led by Rev. Eyesha Marable. My hat is off to Sentheia McLeod and her incredible team that made the conference happen. I look forward to running my own event someday and raise the much needed funds to do that work of ministry to bless others. By the was fun(d) raising...we had a ball...AND...for those who shared their prayer requests with me, you were on my heart as I moved, and marched and clapped. I will look over those text messages and continue to pray.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pastor Appreciation

I thank God for my Pastor, Rev. Dr. Marcos Rivera. Today we had an opportunity to say how much we appreciated him. The women of journey of Primitive Christian Church joined to encourage him to order his steps in God's Word. We danced it, sang it, and even gave him an eatable shoe to remind him.

I am grateful for the uplifting and prophetic words from Christ Church Sr. Associate Pastor Anthony Franklin. Amazing how the same prophecies about us keep getting repeated. God does not want us to forget. He prophesied about the church, our pastor, and all the pastors, deacons, and ministers had a word. God has not forgotten me. He has not forgotten you. Keep appreciating your pastor...the anointing on him and her is flowing down on you so you may do the work of ministry. Keep doing what you're doing for God. Our work is not in vain.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday at Primitive Christian Church

This is the second year that we put together a dance theater piece with actual survivors as participants. Half of the participants are survivors. Every year I am so blessed by their courage and devotion to God in the midst of a great trial. Many thanks to them for letting me stand along side them. Many thanks to my own mother a survivor who claims to have outlived at least 3 of her doctors already. Go mommy!
To view, go to.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Brother and Sister Return to Harlem

I have a friend who claims that if you want to study African American culture, you must take a trip to Harlem. This area in the Northern part of Manhattan is rich in a history that celebrates African American culture through its musicians, theater companies, museums, art galleries, clothing boutiques, library, and dance companies.
Well my mother and her brother are natives of Harlem USA. On Saturday, October 3, 2009, my husband, sister, Mom, and Uncle piled in a car and drove down the streets that were once very familiar to them. Brother and sister were delighted to see Harlem returning to the beauty that it once had, and were full of stories on how things used to be. Of course we drove past the world famous Apollo theater where they previously saw shows for less than a dollar.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mother, Daughter, & Sister

I often tell people that it was my mother's fault that I became an performing artist. Mom took me to ballets, museums, music concerts, even opera (the one thing I didn't like that much).

Mom did that for my sister as well. Good for Mom, she liked the Opera I didn't want to see. She expresses her art through her writing, sewing, and she likes to dabble in the kitchen.

Today was her birthday and we went to Montclair's Cuban Pete's. This restaurant is one of the great restaurant's of Montclair, NJ. This was my third time and the food just gets better and yummier. And the interior design of the place is also as artistically wonderful as the cuisine.

Seasons of Purpose gives a hearty happy birthday 2009 to my sister D and all my dear friends born at the end of September.